Apps og downloads

Download Bliksund Crash Recovery System for Android, iOS or Windows. After installing this application, the relevant edition of the Crash Recovery System can be selected.

Downloads de forskellige Bliksund apps: GRID, IncidentShare og Crash Recovery og find downloads for CRS til Windows og VR app til Oculus Quest.

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CRS hero

Crash Recovery System

Download Bliksund Crash Recovery System til dit device. Find manualer og installeringsguides her

windows-logoWindows 7 & 10

Download her
  Minimum systemkrav
  • Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1809
  • 2 GB RAM Memory
  • 32 GB Storage Space
  • True Color display with XGA resolution (1024×768)

Logo_Oculus_horizontal.svgVR App for Oculus Quest

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GRID app

Et cloud-baseret fagsystem, der giver et helheds overblik over ressourcer og processer.

GRID app apple app store download

GRID app google play download


Brandmand bruger GRID app - det operationelle fagsystem
politibetjent bruger incidentshare app - sikker livevideo fra smartphone

IncidentShare app

Fælles situationsforståelse og optimal respons via livevideo. Modtag push-meddelelser, når en kanal går live.

Incidentshare app apple app store download

incidentshare app google play download


CRS app

Få essentiel information om køretøjer med CRS. Up-to-date køretøjsinformation er afgørende for vellykkede redningsaktioner

GRID app apple app store download

CRS app google play download


Redningsarbejder bruger Crash Recovery System app