Komplet guide til opsætning af din DJI drone til RTMP streaming
Vi har lavet denne komplette guide til, hvordan du opsætter en RTMP-stream fra din DJI-drone til IncidentShare - vores live stream platform.

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Lad os komme i gang!
- Connect your drone with your DJI app.
- Go to the settings menu in the upper right corner
- Scroll down and select “Live Broadcast platform”
- Click on custom RTMP
- Type your IncidentShare URL string – this can be found on your IncidentShare account: (rtmp://accountname.incidentshare.com:1935/streams/live)
- Click next and you’re on air!
- Remember that the DJI app will automatically start your microphone from your screen/monitor and if you don’t want to broadcast the audio you should click the live icon and turn the audio off.
View live on IncidentShare®
live streaming with the Osmo Action camera opens up a new way to connect with your organization or department from any type of response. The IncidentShare platform lets you easily connect the camera as a new dynamic channel, letting you capture and share your incidents like never before.
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